Increase your savings
by carpooling
around your area

Share your daily trips in under 2 minutes

Save an average of €17 per carpool trip*

As a bonus, receive €70 after 3 carpools with the code HELLOZEN70**

"With Zen, I also carpool on trips I make near home. I save more while making great connections, and it's a gesture for the environment!"

Delphine, Paris

Why use Zen ?

Significant savings

Save an average of €17 per carpool trip*

High demand

Easily find passengers to share a pleasant experience with

Customizable carpooling

Accept or decline requests with a single click, so you can carpool only when it suits you

An eco-friendly gesture

You reduce your carbon footprint by choosing carpooling***

Carpooling every day is practical, economical and ecological

Did you know that the car occupancy rate is 1.08 people per vehicle on short everyday trips? That transport is the main source of greenhouse gases? By carpooling, you help reduce vehicles on the roads and CO2 emissions***

How does it work


Add your daily trips in the Zen app

Work, shopping, sport, leisure... propose all your daily journeys to passengers


Receive carpooling requests

You only receive requests that match your routes and flexibility.


Keep control of your schedule

Accept or decline each request with a single click: you carpool only when it suits you.


Carpool to boost your savings

Your payment is processed 48 hours after your trip and will be visible in your account within 5 business days.

* Average amount received by a Zen driver between April and July 2024 for a trip with at least 1 passenger. More information on:

** Promo code HELLOZEN70 valid until September 30, 2024 allowing you to benefit from a bonus of 70 euros following the completion of 3 carpools as a driver on the Zen by BlaBlaCar application. More information on:

*** BlaBlaCar helped avoid 2 million tonnes of CO2 in 2023 by promoting shared mobility. Source BlaBlaCar DPEF 2023: